Electromagnetic fields at home, at work
Characteristics, health effects, how to properly
detect problem sources and identify effective mitigation
Dr. Andrew Michrowski, instructor
$ 395 (minus $25 per person, if 2 or more attending) + HST.
price reductions apply for advance payments, please inquire
Friday introductory only: $75 (minus $25, 2 persons) + HST
health practitioners, architects, engineers, electricians, the responsible
laypersons willing to improve their lifestyle.
Electromagnetic spectrum; bioeffects: electric, magnetic, electromagnetic fields; thermal/non thermal, linear/ non-linear effects; absorption characteristics; scalars; melatonin link;
symptoms for types of exposure;
transmission & propagation of electromagnetic signals; harmonics, transients, damping.., exposure situations; magnification and reduction;
guidelines - their development; emerging regulations;
exposure hygiene: who should be protected, at what age, where (school, bedroom, long-term usage, medical device usage);
wiring types, code, grounding,
typical problems/inexpensive solutions;
critical exposures: workstation and therapy area environment; rural environments;
measuring equipment: electrical, electrostatics/ion discrimination, magnetic (dosimeters, gaussmeters, single and multi-pole probe), static magnetic fields; RF & mw; ammeter; electrical resistivity;
protocol and procedure; tracing; geopathics and health - situations and health effects;
hypersensitivity - allergen link with electromagnetics;
subtle energy interface;
interface of medication; subtle energy therapeutics;
personal protection devices - what to
expect, rationale.
Friday evening session is introductory and for the general public;
Saturday, Sunday sessions are directed at professional training. (Your professional society may grant education credits for the workshop.)
Certificate issued, at request, upon successful exam.
spectrum; its use by sector, mode of transmission as
dependent on frequency and wavelength, dispersion; Nomenclature: Hertz, Tesla,
Gauss, Watt/cm2. Range of bioeffects: electric, magnetic,
electromagnetic; differentiation between thermal and non thermal, linear and
non-linear; absorption characteristics; scalar electromagnetics; the melatonin
connection. Transmission & distribution: wiring, transmission lines,antennae. Concept
of circuits. Voltage / amperage. Harmonics,
transients, beating of 2 or more frequencies [F1 + F2 = (F1 + F2) + (F1 -
F2) / 30 + 10 =
40 + 20]. How magnetic fields are magnified: spacing of conduits (knob
and tube wiring), loop circuits, re-radiation phenomena. How magnetic fields
may be reduced: phasing, compacting wires; annulling; counteractors;
"white noise" formula; shock bow effect / Faraday effect;
absorption. Type of situations encountered: wiring configuration -- knob
& tube, series, grounding wires, transmission lines, shielding with MuMetal. Guidelines based on independent
European experience --
how developed in early 1980s. New regulations coming along: 2mG,
preference for 1mG. Exposure hygiene:
who should be protected, as of what age, where (school, bedroom, long-term
usage). Symptoms to look out for (powerline frequencies: German
statistics; for microwave: disorientation, incoherence immune system breakdown)
Saturday (practical)
wiring configurations: panel, sub-panel (good & to avoid). Electrical
Code grounding requirements. Purpose of grounding
systems. Mitigation: sundry fields; water main problematics. re-grounding, transformer
poles, some neighbourhood dynamics; isolation of critical areas - bedroom, etc.
Work environments & EMI - classroom dynamics, farm environments
(general and barns), supercomputer facilities.
(hands-on experience)
electrical, electrostatics / ion discrimination, magnetic (dosimeters, gaussmeters, single and multi-pole probe), static magnetic
fields; RF & MW; ammeter. Protocol and procedure of analysis of
situation (indoor/outdoor, peripheral, walk through, profiles). Tracing. Determination of
panel-driven EMF. Balance equation of grounding returns:
neutral, grounding wire, TV, Cable. Hands-on experience.
Instructor: A. Michrowski
Dr. Andrew Michrowski studied at the faculties
of Architecture and Urbanism at the Politecnico di Milano, Milan,
Italy, where he received his Dott. Arch. Degree
with honours. He has served with the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs as Chief Planner, followed by senior
positions with the Secretary of State
of Canada as forecaster, analyst and program evaluator.
He has authored such papers as, Solutions to the global environmental crisis
(Address at the United Nations),The electromagnetic dimension of indoor environments (5th
International conference on Indoor
Air), Nuclear fuel waste management and
disposal concept and Practical EMF
pointers. He has edited, co-edited such books as: New energy technology, Basis
of electromagnetic hygiene, Studying
problems associated with video display systems, The ELF factor: selected bibliography, Emerging energy science (also
developed into an electronic information database of same name), VDT sources: the
ELF factor, selected references, and
An ELF primer.
He was scientific advisor of a
national prime-time TV special, Nikola
Tesla - the forgotten genius,
special advisor to the producer of the film, The secret of Nikola Tesla (with Orson Welles), scientific advisor
for the award-winning (best United Kingdom documentary of the year) BBC Horizon/NOVA series production, The mysterious Mr. Tesla; and, producer
of the investigative TV documentary, The
question of video display terminals.
lectures before scientific and engineering societies and makes presentations on
current scientific issues before concerned groups. Since 1991, he has been providing extended
workshops, some of which lead to certificates, on EMF with a view of enabling
participants to identify and to mitigate EMF problems in the built environment.
Between 1993 and 1996 he headed the study team analyzing electromagnetic fields
in Canadian houses for Canada Mortgage
and Housing Corporation.
Please call for information on our next workshop in your area.
MONTRÉAL les 25, 26, 27 mars 2011
TORONTO: Coming soon – please inquire
OTTAWA: Coming soon, with emphasize on Safe Building EMF guidelines / Building inspector protocols / upgrading certification levels – please inquire
VANCOUVER: Coming soon – please inquire
Friday evening: from 7 - 10 PM / Saturday and Sunday: from 9AM to 5PM
OTTAWA, Ontario K1R 6G8
(613) 238-4437 fax: (613) 235-5876
For further
information on this event,
or to pay with Mastercard or VISA
Our complete
electromagnetic survey service* is
provided throughout Canada. Reserve
well in advance to arrange for convenient scheduling!
* includes survey, report, recommendations,