
Lifetune ZONE

Original price was: $355.00.Current price is: $266.25. HST

Effective Range: 28 meters diameter / 91 feet diameter

For living quarters, work space, sleeping area, and when driving.

Reported to be helpful to environmentally sensitive individuals in coping with routine activities amid otherwise irritant settings.

The Lifetune ZONE is designed to reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by data transmitting electronic devices such as Cell Phones, Cordless Phones, Bluetooth Earpieces, Bluetooth headsets, Computers, Laptops, Monitors, Smart TVs, baby monitors, Wi-Fi routers, et cetera. It copes with current and emerging 5G technology’s emissions – from power frequency (50/60 Hz) to at least up to 28 GHz.

7 in stock

Additional information

Weight .150 kg
Dimensions 30 × 24 × 3.5 cm


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